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Revivalists- Kathryn Kuhlman

In case y’all thought all revivalists were men, I wanted to introduce you to a very impactful woman in American history: Kathryn Kuhlman. She was a part of the Charismatic Renewal after World War II.

Kuhlman is known for the miraculous physical healings that took place when she was preaching. Something cool about her ministry is that she was very skeptical of physical healings at first. She thought many were just displays for attention and about the show more than they were about the glory of God. Instead of jumping on board with these shows of signs and wonders, she searched the Scripture and decided for herself that God did desire physical healing for his children.

Soon, attendees at the services where she was preaching began experiencing miraculous healings without even receiving prayer and without anyone touching them. As she preached one night, a tumor was healed. The next week, eyesight was restored. Soon, she would stand onstage and just call out healings and they would take place.

What a testimony of God’s power- that He would use someone skeptical of a gift of the Spirit to use that gift in such a way that it could only be God performing the miracles. I believe in physical healing, and I believe it is a display of God’s love for us. I know many of us have been hurt by an unanswered prayer for physical healing. Perhaps a sick loved one passed away after you prayed for htem to get well. And many of us have been hurt by weird experiences with physical healing. Perhaps you went to a charismatic event and felt pressure or manipulation to be healed. Whatever your experience with physical healing, I pray you will search the Scriptures and ask God yourself what his heart is for healing. Physical healing can be an incredible encounter with God’s love, and can lead people to a relationship with Jesus.


For more on Kathryn Kuhlman: 

For more on physical healing:

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